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337 weeks ago
The Magician Full Movie Download 1080p Hd
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7cb1d79195 Ace Cooper, a stage magician, not only performs updated stage illusions and escapes for the crowds, but fights crime through a combination of stage props and his ability to "reveal the magic within" to use real magical powers.
I loved the show when I saw it. Yes, it was slightly cliché, but a heck of a lot better then other cartoon shows that followed the same lines. Think about it, there was only one other cartoon show before this one that had a crime fighting magician with a cat, but it was fantasy. This one is much more realistic. Sure, some stuff-like the Magic Force-might not be realistic, but most of it was. I was extremely disappointed when it wasn't renewed for a third season. I hope that the company that did this show releases it on DVD, because I would really enjoy watching it. Outside of "Thundercats", this is the only cartoon that I would say that I like to this day. If people don't like it, that's their opinion, but I'd hardly say that it was crap. I've seen worse stuff then what was on this show.
As a occasional performing magician myself, I went in trying to like this show. However, I found myself rapidly growing bored. They never really explain Ace's "magic within" powers (at least not in any episode I've seen), the animation is neither particularly inspired nor well-executed, and the show (rather poorly) aspires to the heights of Zorro or The Phantom animated series. It's a step above your typical Saturday-morning kiddie fare, but that's about it's only saving grace.
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Sureleabo Admin replied
337 weeks ago