Sureleabo Admin replied

338 weeks ago


Before Dawn Movie Free Download Hd

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a5c7b9f00b Before dawn, people will rise and other people will take away their hope.
Before dawn, a large transport truck - the sort with canvas curtains around the cargo, often seen moving troops or matériel - lumbers down a makeshift road through fields of tall grain. It stops where two such roads cross. Two men get out to check the truck, the horn sounds a few times, and the fields are alive with people each carrying a suitcase. Maybe 50 of them. They rush into the back of the truck, and it sets out down one road. Does a new dawn await these immigrants without papers?
I was looking for a plan sequence for inspiration in trying to make one myself and accidentally stumbled onto this one. (thanks to the nice sundance film festival website) It's a fine example of usage of a sequence shot. It moves from situational shot to the conclusion and there never really is a need to cut. The story is very powerful in it's summable simplicity and lends itself beautifully to this kind of camera-work. I would recommend it to everyone who likes this kind of inventive movie-making. As a student i think this is also an ideal movie to show to students why you should sometimes choose for a sequential shot instead of cutting your story to death.
BEFORE DAWN is a very strange short film because it is all shot in very distant shots. You only see people and action occurring at a great distance and the exact plot is vague, though you assume it's all about illegal aliens and human trafficking. Because of this, the film is excessively cold and distant and it's tough to care about the movie at all. Yet, despite these obvious flaws and missing pieces in the narrative, this film has been honored repeatedly in a variety of film festivals. I just don't get it. The film called for many extras, a helicopter and lots of vehicles…yet its impact was minimal because of its odd style.<br/><br/>By the way, this film is part of the CINEMA 16: European Shorts DVD. On this DVD are 16 shorts. Most aren't great, though because it contains THE MAN WITHOUT A HEAD, COPY SHOP, RABBIT and WASP, it's an amazing DVD for lovers of short films and well worth buying.

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last edited 259 weeks ago by Sureleabo
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